We are partnered with a placement agency called MediaKids Academy. After confirmation to the program, our staff will work diligently to find a suitable placement for you, prepare your visa documents, accommodation, curriculum and much more, so that your transition into teaching, and a new culture, runs smoothly.

Company History

MediaKids Academy is one of the biggest placement companies in Thailand, offering positions in many different provinces. MediaKids Academy was founded with the dream to provide opportunities for students to interact with English-speakers from different countries, this is something that is still valued highly by the CEO, and therefore most of the positions are in non-tourist areas. They do not charge for their TEFL job placement services, and they offer their teachers an impressive package of benefits. MediaKids Academy has been operating for over 18 years now, with nearly 300 teachers in over 70 schools throughout the country. In recent years, the company has grown considerably, as has the quality of their service, resources and benefits.


Upon completion of the training, you will have the support from MediaKids Academy, they will provide you with a dedicated team of English-speaking consultants to help you every step of the way. We understand that adapting to a new culture is challenging, a number of their office staff members are native-English speakers and have experienced this transition first hand, so they really understand your concerns and are willing to help as much as we can. You can trust that you are in good hands with us.

Many GoTEFL participants receive TEFL job placements together or near each other. So your support system of friends can continue on throughout your time in Thailand. Many of them often visit each other on the weekends, explore Thailand together on their time off, and travel to other countries together between semesters. We hear a lot about lasting friendships among GoTEFL participants well beyond the course ending.

Are you ready to make the move?

If you have any questions about our TAP Program, please feel free to contact us and we will get back to you shortly.

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