There are many good reasons to come and live here in Thailand, here are our top 10.

  1. Thai girl smiling in front of rice field.The people: you’ll soon realise you’re in easy company, a fun-loving, easy-going crowd who are hospitable to their guests, try their best with English, wouldn’t dream of cheating you, and always immaculately presented, from their famous smile to their manicured toenails!
  2. The food: you’ve eaten Thai right? Be prepared for the spicy-meter to be cranked up a few notches, though the locals have learnt to be sympathetic to the foreigner palate. All the same, there is food everywhere in Thailand, from roadside snack carts, to cheap midnight noodle shops and fast-food chains like KFC, Pizza Hut and more. It’s all inexpensive, yummy and generally healthy.
  3. The culture: adds a whole new dimension to your stay, with a rich legacy of traditions, Buddhist rituals, Thai music and dance, graceful architecture and as well as royal pomp and ceremony.
  4. The atmosphere: Thais like a bit of liveliness, be it the ambience of a singer crooning heartbreakers in the background (Thai pop music is very listenable btw) to an impromptu karaoke session on the school bus, and thumping luek-tung concerts at the regular festivals. Don’t come if you’re not game for a good time. You can escape the noise, but most Thais prefer company.
  5. Traditional Thai dancing performance.The scenery: is often out of this world; you’ve seen the movie The Beach, with the stunning limestone blocks in Krabi province, and there’s plenty more fantastic beaches and islands. Well, save that as a reward after a term of teaching,. But there’s plenty of pretty countryside scenery and many of our teachers end up in some picturesque spots, cycling through a sea of green rice paddies in the monsoon season, with lush jungle about and plenty of hills and rivers, dotted among the small rural towns.
  6. The price tag: Thailand is remarkably cheap, your salary goes a long way and it’s realistic to save sufficiently to travel for the full two months of your school holidays. Living in the provinces you avoid the inflated costs of tourist traps and big cities. A sumptuous green curry and quart of Chang beer will cost less than five bucks usually. Clothes, electronic goods, food, services such as dentists and massage, along with taxis, hotels and buses/flights are all very affordable.
  7. Golden buddha statues inside a Thai temple.The spiritual experience: whatever your creed, you can’t help being taken in by the peaceful and enlightening approach to life here. Everywhere you look there are glistening temples and ancient pagodas, with the sight of lines of saffron-coloured monks on alms-rounds while you cycle to school, and the sound of chanting in the early evenings. Most the country is piously Buddhist, practicing a non-aggressive lifestyle, regularly making merit and steeped in rituals and intriguing festivals. It adds up to an enchantment undiluted by the global village.
  8. The weather: is always warm and balmy, you seldom need a sweater, and when you get stuck in a tropical downpour it won’t leave you sick. It can get hot and humid, but there’s plenty of air-conditioning.
  9. The travellers’ trail: is well worn, with a good infrastructure that caters to millions of backpackers every year. When the time comes to hit the road and see more of the country you’ll find it a breeze to arrange journeys to the islands, with guesthouses and travel agents, internet connections, budget eateries and activities in all the popular places.
  10. The kids: are treasured in Thai culture. In fact the entire country, however old, displays a wonderful childlike carefree innocence. They expect learning to be fun and will appreciate a sense of humour from their teacher. Students here are very respectful of their teachers and obedient in the classroom, if a little exuberant.

Are you ready to make the move?

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