Living in Thailand is a treat! There’s a thousand good reasons why so many foreigners have ended up here, but we’ll let you discover them one-by-one when you come. English teachers make a large portion of the expat population, scattered about the country and enjoying a rather laid-back, humble, lifestyle. Top help you better imagine your life here, read up on some of these topics.


So what’s it really like living in Thailand? Do you need to know Thai, are people really that friendly, how spicy is the food? These are a questions that are important before you come. There are nearly a million foreigners spending part or all of their year in Thailand, so it must be comfortable and easy. Read more.

Woman at a beach in Thailand.

A common means to remain here in Thailand is to teach English. Many others have come backpacking through the country and decided to stay on. There’s a healthy demand for teachers and you can slot in easily and enjoy a good life, here’s the lowdown on a typical routine and what it takes. Read more.

Teaching English in Thailand.

What to do with the teachers in the school hols? With more than three months off a year, and a whole continent to explore you aren’t going to hang around when school’s out. Here’s a teaser of where to you, which islands to get to, and how. Read more.

Beach at Phi Phi Islands in Thailand.

Actually, we had difficulty narrowing it down to just 10. There’s a reason why it’s one of the top 10 travel destinations on most people’s bucket list. When you live here you get to experience even more. This is our top 10 reasons why we like living here. Read more.

Thai elephants having a bath in the jungle.

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